Goodbye Gertie

Over the past week, Gertie has become increasingly withdrawn and has lost weight. I’ve been trying to tempt her with a range of different treats including the failsafe, scrambled eggs. Yesterday she was so weak, I brought her inside and kept her company while I worked. At lunchtime, I took her into the kitchen and tried to get her to eat or drink. With lots of encouragement she had some water and then went back to sleep.

Yesterday evening, I put her into a pet carrier and covered it with a towel to make it dark and cosy. When I came down this morning, she’d passed away. There are several chickens that are incredibly special due to their personality, some for their quirky habits and others for their resilience. Gertie has been blind for nearly 14 months and managed in the New Coop with our other bantams before moving home for the last six months. The Fortress of Gertie-tude was her refuge where she could eat, drink and sleep without being picked on by the other girls. She enjoyed having regular visits from the Topknot Gang and exploring the garden. Although I didn’t enjoy spending panicked hours searching for her all over the garden!

Gertie was an incredibly gentle hen who enjoyed cuddles and would always answer when I called her name. Our garden won’t be the same without her.

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