RIP Polly

When my husband went down to feed the chickens he found that Polly had sadly passed away. It’s strange knowing she’s gone as we’ve had her for so many years. I had to go a very long way back through this blog to work out how old she was. Eventually, I found the post and remembered that our Vorwerks Holly and Molly were hatched the same year as Dolly and Polly. That places Polly’s age at an impressive eight years old. Aside from Maude and Mavis, we’ve never had such an old girl before! Polly was always a little wary of humans and preferred to stick her beak into her food rather than have cuddles like some of the others. She held her own whenever new girls were introduced to the flock. After we lost Dolly, she struck up a strong friendship with Rey, our other Cream Legbar. Latterly, she was top hen in the Main Coop which was lovely to see after so many years of her being near the bottom of the pecking order.

We’ll miss her and the others will too, especially Rey. It’s always a sad day when we lose one of our girls and going into the coop is a little strange especially when one of our older girls passes away.

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